A Community Connected Through Heart, Advocacy & Service
Inspired by the virtues described in Proverbs 31, P31 Home is dedicated to serving others in areas of philanthropy, community, advocacy, and mentorship. Whether you are a community helper needing support or someone navigating the most challenging scenario of your life, we are here to serve, guide, and empower.
A Community Connected Through Heart, Advocacy & Service
Inspired by the virtues described in Proverbs 31, P31 Home is dedicated to serving others in areas of philanthropy, community, advocacy, and mentorship. Whether you are a community helper needing support or someone navigating the most challenging scenario of your life, we are here to serve, guide, and empower.
"what you do for a living is one thing, but how you help and serve others is everything."
Vanessa Adkinson, M.S.
What P31 Home Offers
By empowering one, you can impact the lives of many. We take that to heart at P31 Home, as we strive to elevate the platforms doing good in our community, amplify the voices of the underserved, and provide resources to those who need it most.
Crisis Navigation & Safety Planning
We provide consulting services for those who need help with situations like domestic violence, mental health, substance abuse, trauma, and other circumstances. P31 Home can help you get resources, prepare documentation, and create an action plan for your safety and next steps. We specialize in assisting high-profile professionals navigate personal and workplace scenarios. This type of consultation is confidential, so you can get the help you need while preserving your identity and privacy within the community.
Philanthropy & Events
We love to foster community connections by highlighting, empowering, and supporting others through philanthropy, advocacy, and connections. P31 Home is a center for charities, entrepreneurs, and humanitarian efforts in Colorado, and we are proud to partner with organizations across the state. If you have a local business, a community group, or an organization doing good in the world, connect with us so we can highlight what you do.
Collaborative Book Series
Estimated Completion: 2026
This anthology will feature stories and voices from women and professionals who have navigated challenging life circumstances, such as domestic violence, sexual abuse, mental health struggles, substance abuse, grief, trauma, and much more. It will provide valuable resources on how to support and help others facing these challenges and provide a resource for when the helpers need help. If you have a story to share or would like to be considered as part of this collaborative book series, click the button below to connect.
The heart behind
the home
Vanessa Adkinson, M.S.
Vanessa created P31 Home with a vision: cultivate a better way for people to help others and create a safe space for when the helpers need help. With her professional background as a Law Enforcement Officer, a domestic violence subject matter expert, and a crisis response team member, Vanessa is able to provide support, guidance, and advocacy as a Crisis Navigation and Safety Planning Consultant to those in need.
From Victim to Survivor: Consulting Testimonies
When someone comes to us with domestic violence, suicidal ideation, substance abuse, trauma, or any other crisis or uncomfortable situation, we meet them with compassion and expertise. With professional experience in military, law enforcement, education and psychology, criminal justice, and human services studies, Vanessa Adkinson, M. S. helps individuals navigate traumatic situations. A consultation is unique for each person who walks through our doors. We give them privacy, confidentiality, and anonymity while we sit down to uncover what they are facing and what the problem is. We then go into the options that exist for them and identify a strategy to help them prepare for their next steps, whether that is going to court, filing a police report, or finding support from vetted resources. In addition, Vanessa provides safety planning for circumstances like domestic abuse, mental health, or other crises. Read the stories below of individuals who came to P31 Home looking for a safe place to plan, rest, and heal.
she made time for me to meet her for 30 minutes THE NEXT DAY
“I was struggling with thoughts of suicide and finally asked for help on a Facebook post where people tagged P31 Home. I wasn’t sure what it was so l messaged Vanessa. I told her what was going on and she made time for me to meet her for 30 minutes THE NEXT DAY. I got to her beautiful office and she made me feel like we’ve been friends for years. We talked and she actually listened. I didn’t feel judged, which was my biggest fear as a business owner and mother. She said this thing that made a light bulb go off in my mind, she said it would be weird with all the stressors I described if I DIDN’T think about just escaping. Kind of made me feel more normal, like I’m not the only one who wants to give up sometimes.
Then she asked me who my support network is. I didn’t have one. She introduced me to other female business owners at a networking group and invited me to help with a charity event. I made some amazing friends and life feels more manageable. I even started therapy with one of the ladies she introduced me to. It’s not that I’m ashamed and don’t want anyone to know I’m “human” (as Vanessa says), I was just grateful that she helped me using discretion. P31 Home kind of saved my life.”
- Mental Health (Suicidal Thoughts) Survivor 2024
I went from being alone to having an army of support thanks to P31 Home
“P31 Home helped me with my charity event. Vanessa and her friends donated so many items that I needed her to help drive them to my garage for storage! So on the outside, that day was a huge success. But on the inside, I was struggling to be okay. I was violently sexually assaulted the week before this event but I was scared to get help because the man who assaulted me was so well known and I was worried it would affect my business relationships. Within minutes of talking to Vanessa, we had a plan for how to document what happened so when I was ready to report it to police, I had my ducks in a row. She connected me with a trauma therapist who was also a sexual assault survivor. I wasn’t comfortable with making an appointment with a therapist just yet so Vanessa and her therapist friend agreed to have lunch. I have never met two more genuine or authentic women! I’m in therapy now and with Vanessa’s guidance, I have retained a lawyer since I’m not comfortable going to the police just yet just to make sure I will be protected because my abuser began contacting me, wanting to see me again. I went from being alone to having an army of support thanks to P31 Home.”
- Sexual Assault Survivor 2024
two huge issues I had to navigate and both have been great experiences
“I have used Vanessa at P31 Home Consulting for two huge issues I had to navigate and both have been great experiences. One was when I was abused by someone I trusted deeply and it became unsafe for me to stay in our home and the other was when my friend got sexually assaulted but was too scared to tell anyone.
She explained the different options I might want to consider and even gave me people I can contact for more info. I like that she doesn’t tell you what to do, but she does tell you where you can go to learn more, what the laws are that might apply, what kind of lawyer you might need if you need legal help, and the process behind making a police report. She even has an even has a way of helping you quickly get organized. I had about four hours worth of an explanation for my situation and we were able to put it on three pieces of paper so that when I did go to the police, they were able to read the papers and then ask the questions they needed so I could get help. I could not have done this without P31 Home.”
- Domestic Violence Survivor 2024
You are the best help I've ever had
“P31 Home is the most helpful resource I have found EVER. I drove an hour to come see them and it was the best decision I’ve ever made. My situation with my ex was unique because we have criminal cases over several states from several situations where he abused and terrorized me. Even moving to Colorado didn’t help because he flew out here to hurt me and was showing up at my new job and at church. It’s been terrifying. I brought a suitcase full of documents to P31 Home and where most people would have been overwhelmed, Vanessa and her associate were amazing. Vanessa had ideas I hadn’t thought of and explained things to me in a way that made them seem possible. We sat down and did a timeline and got organized and then we did her highlight method to get my ducks in a row. I was able to use what we created to help me when I went for help. I think it’s going to be okay. Things are a little more clear now and even though the courts take a long time to move, they are finally treating him like the abuser he is. Thank you Vanessa and P31 Home. Anything I can do to help this business become more available to other victims, please let me know. You are the best help I’ve ever had.”
- Domestic Violence Survivor 2024
When Vanessa and I met for coffee, it probably saved my life
“The first time I heard of P31 Home was when Vanessa attended a charity event I was at. We briefly talked about how she helps people. I made a joke to her that if I don’t get it together soon, I was going to die.
It’s like she knew I wasn’t joking even though all the other ladies laughed and later she handed me five of her cards just in case one of my friends need her. She seemed to know I wasn’t well but wasn’t pushy to get me to share more than I was ready to. Here I am the owner of three businesses and am making over a million a year and I’ve never felt more lonely. When Vanessa and I met for coffee, it probably saved my life. I was thinking of killing myself as recently as the night before that charity event. She asked me some tough questions and I shared I have attempted suicide four different times over the last year. She was so easy to talk to and knowledgeable. She didn’t push me but by the end of the conversation, she explained how some of my trauma experiences may benefit from therapy and getting real help. She has a way of speaking and explaining things that make me feel hopeful for the future. Three months later, I’m actually seeing one therapist for a group session each week and a psychologist every other week. Life is better
I don’t feel so alone.”
- Mental Health (Suicide Attempts) Survivor 2024
Vanessa helped me set up my support circle so I don't feel so alone
“I had 3 consultations with Vanessa after I was sexually assaulted.
She and I talked about all of my options, she explained the SANE/SART forensic exam process to me and went with me to the hospital. I needed that. I was scared the exam would be horrible but Vanessa and the nurse explained I was in control of the exam and could say no to anything I didn’t want to do. It was actually empowering to do the exam and I felt heard. After my exam, Vanessa helped me set up my support circle so I don’t feel so alone, we got my therapy started, and she helped me stay busy with two charity events. Being involved helped me get through this. I’m working with my therapist to get strong enough to go to the police but when I am ready, I have my statement typed up, the SANE/SART forensic interview completed, and other important information all in one place. I never felt judged and she respected my reasons for not wanting to name my abuser right now. I cannot thank P31 Home enough for helping me navigate this.”
- Sexual Assult Survivor 2024
Call P31 Home. They really do help the helpers.
“I am a paid public speaker who couldn’t speak. I am the “expert” everyone goes to when they are sexually assaulted. I’ve helped fundraise millions of dollars in my lifetime for rape victims. Yet when it happened to me two months ago, I couldn’t face leaving my bed. I saw someone suggest to another woman on Facebook they should message this lady who created P31 Home. I sent Vanessa a message and told her that I need to talk to her but I can’t get out of bed. That I am finally showering but I could not stop crying. Vanessa asked for my address and we set a time for her to come by with her friend she said was in a similar situation. I was embarrassed and felt horrible because I live all the way by the Zoo. I sent her gas money through Venmo and she used it to door dashed me soup that arrived half an hour before they got there.
When she and her friend showed up, they brought me a face mask, some bath bombs, and a journal with motivational stickers. We talked for three hours. I even called my best friend and she came over too and I told her. Vanessa connected me with a therapist and things are slowly becoming okay again. I won’t go to the police for personal reasons but between therapy and my lawyer, I feel hopeful. Call P31 Home. They really do help the helpers.”
- Sexual Assult Survivor 2024
There is something special going on at P31 Home
“I had a personal situation come up while I was responsible for planning and hosting my non-profits main fundraiser. I also had staff members that were not getting along and made our office space difficult to be positive and productive. I asked P31 Home to come speak for my staff and I at our weekly meeting. Best decision ever.
Vanessa started with an inspiring story about the importance of teamwork, reminded everyone of how important our purpose was, and reenergized us in our purpose. My team was throwing out ideas so quick that it was hard for me to keep up. We were able to not only improve our office climate, we put on an amazing event. Vanessa stopped by the event and was very supportive. I appreciated that she brought two women that were amazing connections for us to have and she introduced me in such a positive way that no one would have ever known we came to her for help. There is something special going on at P31 Home and I’m excited to see this much needed company grow.”
- Non-Profit Founder 2025
Health, Homemaking, Relationships, Service & More
The P31 Home Blog
The P31 Home Blog is a space created to inspire and uplift women, entrepreneurs, community leaders, and all others who seek connection. Here, we celebrate generosity, wisdom, and strength, offering practical insights on health, homemaking, relationships, and serving others. Our content is designed to empower you to lead a life of purpose and productivity. Let this be a source of encouragement for you as you lead your life in service to others and yourself.
Ways to Partner with P31 Home
We have a passion for serving our community and supporting entrepreneurs, causes, and humanitarian efforts. Here are just a few ways to partner with P31. If any of them speak to you, click the button below to connect with us.
- Request Vanessa to Speak
- Get Coffee with Vanessa
- Attend our Supported Events
- Schedule a Crisis Consultation
- Collaborate on the P31 Book Series
- Plan an Event Together
- Share your event
- Share your business
Connect With Me
P31 Home is proud to be a safe place to support, uplift, and advocate for our community. Use the form below to connect with Vanessa and the P31 Home team. Whether you want to collaborate on an event or need to request a crisis consultation, we would love to hear from you and see how we can support you.
Please use this form for general inquiries, questions, or connections. Avoid submitting personal or sensitive information. Please be aware that anything submitted through this form may be subject to subpoena in a legal proceeding. Confidentiality is established only when we are in a private, secure space.
If you are experiencing an emergency, please call 911.